The first semester of my senior year is already coming to a close. This is pretty crazy. Just think, by this time next year I'll be in medical school... maybe. And while we're on the topic of med school, I just received additional letters/emails O_O. Good news and bad news. Good news is I passed the preliminary screening for Rosalind Franklin (in Chi-town). Bad news is I got a rejection. *CRIES* My first one! And it was from Georgetown. SIGHHH. Oh well, sometimes God says no, right? I've been working on this concept for a while now, and I think I've gotten better at accepting it.
In other news, finals is coming up. Ohhh boy, do I love finals... -_-. At least I only have 3 this year, as opposed to the usual 5. I am thankful for that; Praise Jesus for giving me a light finals week.
Well, other than the med school admission process and finals, a lot has been on my mind. Too much to write about on here. I'm really glad winter break is coming up, not just because it's a month of no school, but because it'll give me time to self-reflect. The fact that I'll be out of the country helps with that too. I think two weeks of being with family will be good for me. Maybe I'll be able to study the Bible more too; I've been at a slight spiritual low for a couple weeks now.
Sorry this post doesn't have much... deep thinking like most of my other ones. I mean, I don't even know if you enjoy reading my out-loud thoughts ahah. Soo, I don't really know if the apology applies. Ohhh well. I think I'll do something productive now. Goodbye!