Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I'm getting bad at this...

I haven't been keeping up with these blogs... whoopsie :/

Welp, that may be because not much has happened since last Wednesday.  Other than rearranging my room, that is.

Wait, no, I take that back.  Something has happened.  I've decided to start taking a day of Sabbath every week.  What inspired this decision??  Well, let me tell you!  Haha, why am I such a cornball...

ANYWAY, this past Sunday we had a Core meeting.  If you don't know, the Core is a group within Asian Christian Fellowship (ACF) that focuses on missional leadership and advancing one's spiritual life and relationship with God.  And at this core meeting, we practiced "Sabbath-ing."  Basically, Adam (our staff worker) brought a crap ton of fun stuff to Steven's Lake Park.  We had a campfire, s'mores, hot dogs, a TV with old school SEGA hooked up, a laptop for movies, football, baseball and gloves, and sleeping bags (for those who like to nap :P).

So, during our Sabbath time, I ate s'mores and just enjoyed the company with my fellow Core-mates.  It was a really nice time of relaxation that I needed because I'd been studying all day for a Thermo test on Monday.  Probably the most important part of my mini Sabbath was my Jesus time.  Basically what I did was walk around the lake and spend time with Him.  You know, praying and listening.  Just really taking time to appreciate everything He has given me and all the opportunities he provides me with daily, most of which I take for granted.  This is getting a bit long...

I guess what I'm trying to say is, for all of you out there who feel burnt out or tired, take that day of rest every week.  I only had about an hour and a half of it and it did wonders for me; think what a day could do.  It'll be like a treat to look forward to every week.  Do things you enjoy; things that give you life.  Most importantly, DO NOT think about anything that will bog you down.  All of that should leave your mind.  No worrying on your Sabbath!  As for me, I haven't quite decided which day I will have mine on.  I'm thinking from Friday 5pm - Saturday 5pm.

I've made the decision to have a Sabbath.  Have you?  ;)


  1. during Sabbath can we beat Mario? it's on my 101 list, so I think you should help me reach that goal :)

  2. haha YES! and we should make another vlog during it too :P
