Sunday, January 30, 2011


First of all, I wanna praise God for this weekend at home.  It was definitely needed.  I didn't have any arguments with my mom and was able to enjoy spending time with my parents.  AND I have enough food for almost a month now :).  Kinda looks like I'll need it with the winter storm coming up O_O.

Anyway, I wanted to write about the sermon at church this morning.  I find myself waking up early on the weekends now, so we went to the early service.  It's a lot less crowded and I was thankful for that - less distractions.  The sermon started out a bit slow for me, but it really hit home at the end.  It's like every time I go to church, the pastor is speaking directly to me.  The main point of today's message was about yielding your heart to God through repentance, faith, and obedience.  Basically letting down your walls so God can do good work in you and change you.

That point got my attention, but his next point was what really struck me: we need to continually yield our hearts to God.  I think this is a mistake a lot of Christians, myself included, make.  We think "oh, I remember the turning point in my life where God changed me" and that's it.  No.  We must continually seek God and open our hearts to Him to grow closer to Him and let Him change us.  When I heard this I felt very convicted.  The past couple months I feel like I've built up a wall b/t myself and God... and with others around me too.  It's time to change that though.  I know it won't happen overnight, but I strongly believe that more devo time will help me get back on track.  I will continue to repent of my sins, have faith in God for my life and future, and obey His Word.

I hope everyone has a blessed week.

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