Monday, February 7, 2011

One week

Yes, one week.  In just one week, that day that reminds all of us, singles, that we ARE single.  One day to rub it in all of our faces that we don't have a significant other.  One day for us to sulk about our relationship status.  You know what?  It isn't even one day.  It's more like 14 days.  Because once February starts, Valentine's Day crap is EVERYWHERE.  Red hearts galore!  The only good thing about this 'holiday' is the candy that's on sale.  Too bad they all have to be in freaking hearts.

I apologize for being such a negative nancy.  It just gets old.  21 years of being alone on February 14th.  21 years of envying everyone who has a Hollywood-movie-esque date planned for February 14th.  Ugh.

The rest of the year, I'm generally okay with being single.  I enjoy not having another commitment weighing me down; it lets me spend time doing things for me.  But every year around this time, it is thrown in my face that I'm single.  Bah!  Happy early Valentine's Day.

1 comment:

  1. if it makes you feel better, I already bought something for you for you to have on the sucky day. so get excited for that.
    and we can be depressed together. wooooo :(
