Thursday, February 17, 2011


It's like an unofficial New Year's Resolution.  I've been trying to see the positive side of things and steering away from complaining.  My reasoning?  Well, let me ask you this:  Would you rather hang around someone who has good things to say or someone who is always complaining?  I think most would go with the second person.  Also, complaining never gets anyone anywhere.  Yeah, it is a way to release frustrations, but ultimately it doesn't do much good.  It's also a downer on yourself and people around you.  And if you know ANYTHING about me, it's that I don't like to be bothersome.

So, here's to a new outlook.  You know what?  I like it... a lot.  I find myself being more productive than I've ever been.  I'm on top of my school work, research, extra curriculars, and have free time to chill (and eat).  Now, the question is, can I keep this up?  Haha, I guess we'll see.  I know I'll complain about something at some point it'll slip out.  But that's okay.  I will continue to minimize negativity (or maximize positivity).

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