Sunday, December 5, 2010


I came across this quote the other night:

"I do not care what car you drive or where you live. If you know someone who knows someone who knows someone. If your clothes are this year's cutting edge. If your trust fund is unlimited. If you are A-list, B-list, or never-heard-of-you-list. I only care about the words that flutter from your mind. They are the only thing you truly own. The only thing I will remember you by. I will not fall in love with your bones and skin. I will not fall in love with the places you have been. I will not fall in love with anything but the words that flutter from your extraordinary mind."

Whoever wrote this completely read my mind.  This is what we all should be looking for.  That certain someone is out there, we just have to open our eyes.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Boy, Time Sure Flies

The first semester of my senior year is already coming to a close.  This is pretty crazy.  Just think, by this time next year I'll be in medical school... maybe.  And while we're on the topic of med school, I just received additional letters/emails O_O.  Good news and bad news.  Good news is I passed the preliminary screening for Rosalind Franklin (in Chi-town).  Bad news is I got a rejection. *CRIES* My first one!  And it was from Georgetown.  SIGHHH.  Oh well, sometimes God says no, right?  I've been working on this concept for a while now, and I think I've gotten better at accepting it.

In other news, finals is coming up.  Ohhh boy, do I love finals... -_-.  At least I only have 3 this year, as opposed to the usual 5.  I am thankful for that; Praise Jesus for giving me a light finals week.

Well, other than the med school admission process and finals, a lot has been on my mind.  Too much to write about on here.  I'm really glad winter break is coming up, not just because it's a month of no school, but because it'll give me time to self-reflect.  The fact that I'll be out of the country helps with that too.  I think two weeks of being with family will be good for me.  Maybe I'll be able to study the Bible more too; I've been at a slight spiritual low for a couple weeks now.

Sorry this post doesn't have much... deep thinking like most of my other ones.  I mean, I don't even know if you enjoy reading my out-loud thoughts ahah.  Soo, I don't really know if the apology applies.  Ohhh well.  I think I'll do something productive now.  Goodbye!

Monday, November 22, 2010


In light of recent situations, I've been doing a lot of reminiscing...

I remember when I was in elementary school.  All I had to worry about was being top-dog at times table tests.

I remember when I was in middle school.  All I had to worry about was making good grades.

I remember when I was in high school.  All I had to worry about was getting into college.  Well, a good one.

And now I'm a senior at Mizzou.  What do I have to worry about now?  My future career.  Getting into med school.  Backup plans if med school doesn't work out.  Relationships.  My resume.  And so much more.  Thinking about all this is pretty overwhelming, but I'm surprisingly not worried.  Luckily, God has given me peace of mind at the moment.

I've also been thinking about relationships.  I've blogged about this before, but it was more aimed toward monogamous relationships.  I've been reflecting on relationships between friends.  There's that familiar quote, "Friends come and go, but [end phrase varies]."  Kinda sucks, doesn't it?  How friendships can go from being strong and tight to distant and weak within a couple months, to the point where that friend is almost like an acquaintance, or even a stranger.  It's the worst when this happens to a really close friend, or best friend, if you will. I'm not saying it's happened to me, but I feel like it's in the process of happening.  I've been trying to prevent it, but there's only so much one person can do.  After all, relationships are two-sided.  They just absolutely do not work if only one person is putting out the effort.

Luckily, God has blessed me with many close friends that I can turn to in times like these, and I am so thankful for them.  I just pray that God will help me mend this other friendship.

Anyway, Thanksgiving is coming up soon!  I've already been eating constantly during break, and I LOVE IT! Hahaha.  Okie, I'm gonna head to bed.  God bless!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I'm getting bad at this...

I haven't been keeping up with these blogs... whoopsie :/

Welp, that may be because not much has happened since last Wednesday.  Other than rearranging my room, that is.

Wait, no, I take that back.  Something has happened.  I've decided to start taking a day of Sabbath every week.  What inspired this decision??  Well, let me tell you!  Haha, why am I such a cornball...

ANYWAY, this past Sunday we had a Core meeting.  If you don't know, the Core is a group within Asian Christian Fellowship (ACF) that focuses on missional leadership and advancing one's spiritual life and relationship with God.  And at this core meeting, we practiced "Sabbath-ing."  Basically, Adam (our staff worker) brought a crap ton of fun stuff to Steven's Lake Park.  We had a campfire, s'mores, hot dogs, a TV with old school SEGA hooked up, a laptop for movies, football, baseball and gloves, and sleeping bags (for those who like to nap :P).

So, during our Sabbath time, I ate s'mores and just enjoyed the company with my fellow Core-mates.  It was a really nice time of relaxation that I needed because I'd been studying all day for a Thermo test on Monday.  Probably the most important part of my mini Sabbath was my Jesus time.  Basically what I did was walk around the lake and spend time with Him.  You know, praying and listening.  Just really taking time to appreciate everything He has given me and all the opportunities he provides me with daily, most of which I take for granted.  This is getting a bit long...

I guess what I'm trying to say is, for all of you out there who feel burnt out or tired, take that day of rest every week.  I only had about an hour and a half of it and it did wonders for me; think what a day could do.  It'll be like a treat to look forward to every week.  Do things you enjoy; things that give you life.  Most importantly, DO NOT think about anything that will bog you down.  All of that should leave your mind.  No worrying on your Sabbath!  As for me, I haven't quite decided which day I will have mine on.  I'm thinking from Friday 5pm - Saturday 5pm.

I've made the decision to have a Sabbath.  Have you?  ;)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010



It's been a while, eh?  Well, here's an update!

Praise Jesus for pulling me through my small emotional rut I was in last week!  What did I say about God answering prayers?  Eh?  Eh?? ;)

What else is new?  Not too much, school-wise.  I have another Thermo test coming up.  I think that'll be my last test until finals. WHOAAAA!

Thanksgiving break is in about a week and a half!  WOOT!  I really can't wait.  I'll get to be home for a week.  A week full of relaxation, eating, and sleeping :).  Now that's the life haha.  And I'll get to see my brother, who I haven't seen since this summer.  AND my aunt and uncle are coming down from Michigan.  I don't even remember the last time I saw them... I think it's been 2-3 years?

I must say, I really enjoy Thanksgiving.  Not just because of the DELICIOUS food, but because it's a time for families to come together and really reflect on everything they're thankful for.  All the little things in life that we take for granted.  I've already blogged about this, but still, a whole holiday devoted to giving thanks.  We need more of that.

Harry Potter 7, Part I is coming out next week! AHHHHHHH ASJDKFLJSI!!  My friends and I are going to the 12:30 showing... I know, we didn't get the midnight ones (they were sold out).  BUT, nevertheless, it will be just as AWESOME!  We have a plan >:) and it involves us going to the front of the theater screen.  That's all I will say for now :P teehee.

OKIE, I think I'm like on some sort of sugar high.  Probably from tonight's dessert.  Gonna try to go to bed nowwww.  GOODBYE, WORLD!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


So, today was like any other day.  I went to class, ate, napped, ate, did homework, ate, and did some more homework.  But while in the middle of doing some homework with a friend, I was overwhelmed with an extreme feeling of emptiness.  It was really weird... well, is really weird because I still feel it now.  Nothing has gone wrong that I know of; actually, everything is great.  So why do I feel so empty?  Is it because I'm not close to family?  Is it because of the awful events that have happened this semester to people around me?  Is it because of a lack of having a significant other?  Or is it because I haven't studied the Bible for a while?

Whatever it is, I hope I can overcome it.  This feeling of emptiness... I don't like it.  I don't feel like myself.  While doing my homework, I suddenly became very apathetic about completing it.  I mean, yes, the homework is awful and I hate it because the class is horrible, but I usually make an effort to finish it... Or at least I want to finish it.  No, this time I just didn't care.  I still don't care that it's not done.  I need to shake this off.  I'll pray for guidance, strength and peace of mind.  Hopefully, God will answer my prayers.  No, I take that back.  He will answer my prayers; He always does.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Weekend!

Hey guys!

Well, I'll post some pictures from this weekend to start this thing off :)

Before the semi-formal


Roomies :D

I... was a... rockstar

Errbody who stayed til the end!

Twas a fun weekend, indeed!  I'm sad it's over :( but it's time to come back to reality.

Today started off like any other Sunday... well, except I missed church.  Lord, forgive me.  I had finished my Thermodynamics homework, which was a huge pain (more than usual), lazed around for a while, ate some Chinese food and went to a friend's house.  I'd say it was a pretty normal day.  I like days like these; they're chill and relaxed... kinda go-with-the-flow type days.  BUT, of course something has to go wrong... of course.

I really don't want to seem whiny or anything, but I did not get the venting session I needed today (for reasons out of my control).  So, here goes... I get very annoyed with flakiness.  Actually, it's one of my pet peeves (along with complaining).  No names will be mentioned, as usual.  People who know me know that it takes a lot to piss me off... a lot... or a lot of build-up.  Many times, if I start to get mad at someone, I will re-asses the situation to make sure I'm not overreacting about a small issue.  Well, I did that in this situation.  Have you ever been in any situation(s) where a friend, family member, co-worker, etc. makes some plan(s) with you but repeatedly "bails out"?  And I'm not talking about just once or twice because the first couple times should be fine... you know, you can let it slide.  But when it becomes frequent is when anger and tension arise.  I'm someone who takes promises and agreements very seriously.  If someone agrees to plans with me, I expect him/her to stick with those plans.  I mean, that's what I do.  Is it wrong for me to expect the same in return?  Because if it is, please let me know... I'm about 99.9999999 % sure it isn't wrong.  

I need to stop this rant now, even though I could go on for pages.  I haven't even gotten to the initiation of reconciliation yet.  Ohhhh buddy, that's a biggy too.  Being the person who always initiates reconciliation?  Yeah, that's me.  I'm sure others can relate to me when I say, IT GETS OLD.  AKLSDJFEISK!!!

You know what?  I just need to pray about it.  I need strength and guidance from God.  If you're reading this and are a believer (even if you're not and would like to help), please pray for my strength and guidance in these situations.  Ask that God gives me patience, understanding and forgiveness.  Pray that I am slow to anger, more so than I am now.  I hate being mad... I really really hate it, the feeling of animosity.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Friends, family, significant others.  All relationships we build over our lifetime.  Communication, trust, loyalty, emotions, opinions, and more are all building blocks, if you will, of relationships.  Some relationships may rely more heavily on certain building blocks.  Personally, mine are heavily dependent on trust, loyalty, and communication.  What are yours dependent on?  Just something to ponder.

The reason I bring relationships up is because someone I care very deeply about just broke up with his/her significant other.  I don't want to disclose who it is because I don't have permission.  Needless to say, they are now "just friends."

Just friends... We hear that phrase so often, and for some reason it usually has a negativity to it.  What is so bad about being just friends?  Friends are good.  They're great... amazing.  I guess that next level of intimacy is much more satisfying than being... just friends.

Just friends... Hmm.  Have you ever been in that predicament?  I think most of us have.  I have.  It's not bad though.  It's just... different.  This whole event brings a question to my mind: Do I want to be in a relationship?  You know what?  I'm not sure.  There are many times when I wish I was in one, but other times I don't.  Yes, it would be nice to have someone already there to confide in, but do I have enough time for one?  This has been an issue that's been on my heart for a decent time now.  In the end, I know that God has a plan for me, so I try not to dwell on it too much.

Hearing the news about the break-up from someone so close to me has made me realize how fragile we are.  How fragile our relationships are.  How fragile our emotions are.  But hey, whenever something unexpected or unfortunate happens, the same phrase always comes to mind: "Everything happens for a reason."  No matter how hard we try to control our lives, how much we want to have stable relationships, it's just not in our control.  We may not know why these unfortunate events happen, but it is for the better.  Don't worry, all of our questions will be answered in time.  God has everything under control.

I'll end with a very powerful excerpt from The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis because I think it relates well to what I'm talking about...

"Is - is he a man?" asked Lucy
"Aslan a man!" said Mr. Beaver sternly. "Certainly not. I tell you he is the King of the wood and the son of the great Emperor-Beyond-the-Sea. Don't you know who is the King of Beasts? Aslan is a lion, the Lion, the great Lion."
"Ooh," said Susan, "I thought he was a man. Is he - quite safe? I shall feel rather nervous about meeting a lion."
"That you will, dearie, and make no mistake," said Mrs. Beaver; "if there's anyone who can appear before Aslan without their knees knocking, they're either braver than most or else just silly."
"Then he isn't safe?" said Lucy.
"Safe?" said Mr. Beaver; "don't you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? 'Course he isn't safe. But he's good. He's the king I tell you."

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


NOM NOM NOM. Shannon made gumbo for dinner tonight.  It was sooo delicious - I've never had gumbo before.  She also made cornbread... I LOVE cornbread!  Btw, I fail at making non-Asian rice.

So, today was the big day!  I had my first interview for med school at Mizzou. YAHOOO!  I think it went pretty well.  There was only one question that kinda stumped me.  The whole process was a bit surreal to me.  I mean, I've been in the med school so many times, but this time was so different.  It was like I was a visitor... even though I knew the place well.  They took us on a tour of the place, provided us with lunch, and went through financial aid shtuff (yayyy... NOT).  In the middle of the tour, it kinda just hit me.... Wow, I'm actually on my way to accomplishing my dream.  No joke, this has been my dream for as long as I can remember.  I've always wanted to be a doctor, and it's slowly... becoming... real... This sounds familiar.  I feel like I've already blogged about that... Shoot. Aksjfoewasdkfjs.  Sorry...

Okay, moving on... These past couple days have made me realize how truly blessed I am.  I'm so thankful for everything God has given me: my friends, family, education, food, housing, health, opportunities, etc.  Yesterday I came home to an obscene amount of sugar cookies on my desk with a good luck message from Meeeechelle (picture below).  COMPLETELY made my day :))).  Then, throughout last night and today I was receiving good luck texts and prayers for my interview.  Each text made me more and more grateful for everyone in my life.  I must say, it was a great day.

I encourage everyone who reads this blog to count their blessings.  Set some time out to really thank God for everything He has provided for us.  I mean, I wouldn't be ALIVE if it weren't for Him.  None of us would be... So praise Jesus :)

Monday, October 25, 2010

A new week = A fresh start

What is it about us that makes us hold grudges?  What is it that makes us sensitive?  Or detached?  Why is it that so many advise others not to let their emotions get the best of them?  And yet, emotions always do get the best of us.  What are emotions anyway?  Neurotransmitters firing in the brain?  Hormones surging through our blood vessels?  Why is it that emotions affect us the way they do?  No matter how hard we try to deny them... or push them away because it's just "too difficult" or "too complicated" to deal with.  I'm guilty of doing so.  I think everyone is guilty of doing so at some point in his/her life.

You know what?  I don't want to be like that anymore.  I don't want to "hide" from my emotions, or what I'm thinking, or feeling.  It's time to be bold.  Be true.

In Fall Conference - a weekend Christian retreat - we talked about being bold for the Kingdom of God.  Why not apply it to the rest of my life?  Be bold in interviews.  Be bold in classes.  Be bold in relationships.  Be bold with emotions.  No more hide and seek.  Just be bold.

What do we have to lose anyway?  Life is too short to dwell in "what if's" and "could have been's."

Be bold.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


The Sweet:  WE WON OUR HOMECOMING GAME AGAINST OU!!  For those who don't know, we haven't beat OU since 1998... so this is a BIG DEAL.  They were... WERE ranked number one.  Looky at who changed that!  Teeheee :P.  So yeah, big win for Mizzou!!  Also, the community service Bible study that I'm co-leading went well today too :)  We had about 10 people show up today, which is the same as last time.  WOOT.

The Bitter:  You know the feeling when someone - stranger, friend, family member, professor, anyone - makes a comment or says something that just gets to you?  Yeah, that happened to me today.  I've never been fond of it when my friends say, "Don't judge me!" to me.  I don't know why... it just always affected me more than it should have even though I know they're joking.  I guess the incident today is related to judging.  I won't mention any details, but I figured this blog is for some sort of emotional release so I should write a bit about it.  It probably isn't even a big deal... but what can I say, I'm sensitive, actually, very sensitive... even if it seems like I'm not.  I just tend to keep things to myself because I don't like affecting others' moods in a negative way... and I really, really dislike whining.  I may be extra edgy because of my interview coming up, but I really can't help it.  Nerves get to me.  Guess I'll just shake it off... sleep on it... pray... do something.  Man, I have to focus on my interview.

Sorry, still trying to work on my scatter-brained-ness writing.  It really sucks to have this downer on such a great day, but everything happens for a reason.  I trust that God has some sort of lesson He's trying to teach me through this experience... I just have to figure out what that is.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

And I thought Tuesday was a good day...

Hello again,

Well, the main reason of this entry is to let you all know.... I GOT MY FIRST INTERVIEW INVITE! :)))

If you didn't know, I'm in the process of applying to medical school (if you read my previous posts, you SHOULD know :P).  But, uh, yeah!  I got the email yesterday afternoon and I was FREAKIN OUT haha.  The invite is to Mizzou (the school I'm attending now).  I would definitely go to Mizzou for med school.  They have a good program and the students tend to do well in the board exams.  PLUS, they seem happy there.  *Side note: I read an article about how medical students are significantly more likely to go through depression, so going to a happy school is kind of a big deal*  The interview is on Tuesday... I KNOW, RIGHT?! So soon!!  But hey, God provided the opportunity and it's my responsibility to accept it.  This whole ordeal kinda made me realize how everything is actually happening.  This has been my dream for the past 21 years of my life, and it's slowly coming true.  God has been so good and I'm so thankful.

Random thoughts while I was walking to class...
Isn't it peculiar how we are the only species on Earth who are constantly striving to learn more?  (I thought about this when I saw someone doing homework at Life Sciences)
If we really think about it, how much of our daily life do we take for granted?  I mean, really think about it.  Look at the cars around, the buildings, roads, COMPUTERS, phones, shoes, clothing, desks, chairs, etc.  I feel like the majority of us (including me) take all of these for granted too much.  Dude, how freaking long did our highway system take to be built?  If you really think about it, the highway system is CRAZY brilliant.  And nanotechnology?? Who came up with that?!  It really is insane how we come up with these things.  It really reminds me to thank God for everything that He's given us.  Needless to say, the "thank you" portion of my prayer was extra long last night haha.

Oh snap, class is almost over.  Gotta go.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Good day turned bad, then turned good :)

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up.  Well, I guess it didn't really start off well because I missed the bus due to my forgetfulness (I forgot my bus pass).  I drove to class.  Luckily, Atsao has let me borrow his parking pass for the past... 2 weeks.

So, in Biomaterials, we got our tests back... you know, the one I was whining hardcore about.  Well, uhh, I... did... really... well... 8).  That's all the detail I'll go into about that.

Then the turnaround.  So for the small group I'm co-leading, we have a Bible study and volunteer afterward.  I've been calling around like crazy to try to find a place to volunteer, but have had no luck.  I got a call back today and the lady said they didn't have any openings for this Saturday... soooo BUST.

THEN, I had a Bio Imaging test to go take.  Wow, that sucked.  Pretty much all there is to it.

Sweet Jesus! Another turnaround :).I went to the Salvation Army Harbor House after I got out of class to, hopefully, book a service project for this Saturday.  Lo and behold!  The guy was completely open to letting us serve there and on the short notice.  So, we now have a service project for this week :).  Praise Jesus!

Then Shannon made no-bake cookies.  The end. :))

(No-bake cookies are my FAVORITE)

Sunday, October 17, 2010


What do Sundays remind you of?  They remind me of morning church services, procrastinated homework/projects/studying, afternoon naps (usually after a big buffet lunch), resting, a new week, God, and the coming of the next weekend.

So in church today, the sermon was about the seven (or six) days of creation.  I had never really given it much thought until this summer.  I was reading a philosophy book called "Signature in the Cell" with a group, and we touched base on this subject: Was the world created in literally six, twenty-four hour days?  Or was it created over a long period of time?  When I was very young, I always thought that God created Earth in six days and rested on the seventh day... 24 hour days.  I was little, so I just took everything literally (I mean that's kinda all I knew).  I look at it differently now.  In the sermon, the pastor talked about ancient Hebrew poetry and the different literary devices they used to use.  These included repetition, rhythm, elevated language, use of significant numbers (like seven and three), and other stuff I can't remember right now.

Okay, side note... Meeeechelle just gave me a new Rubik's cube to play with and it's distracting me hardcore.  It's one that has pictures on it too, so you gotta match those up too.  Gahhhh, last time this happened, I solved, shuffled, and resolved it so many times the pictures wore off...

Well, seeing as I've been thoroughly distracted and lost my train of thought because solving this cube is consuming my mind, I'll end this soon.

Ahem, basically I believe that God created the Earth over a long period of time... and not six, literal, twenty-four hour days.  There's also evidence in the Bible that causes many philosophers, and me, to believe that we are all in the seventh day of creation right now.  Kinda crazy to think about, huh?

Anyway, I gotta go.  This is too long for me and I wanna solve this cube.

OHHH WAIT!  I almost forgot!  Today is the first day Meeeechelle and I will be posting on our vlog :P.  So, uhh... stay tuned... for... that...

Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday, Friday, Friday!

Yesss!  At last, it is Friday!  I only have one class :) hehe.

I must say, the Biomaterials test went alright.  It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't fantastic.  I'm hoping for an A.  It's all in God's hands now.  Well, if you wanna get technical, it was always in His hands :P

So, I don't really have much to say in this post... uhh hmm.. I'm going to a corn maze tomorrow! Well... tonight.  I'll be missing out on laser tag though :(

Gosh, I'm really sorry... this post is really pointless.

Um, my parents are coming today! FOOOOOODDD! Nom nom nom :))

Well... that's... all... I... have... for... to..night...

Oh... kay... awk..ward... good..bye...

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Waking up to 43 degree weather

Well, it sure wakes you up, that's for sure.  Although, the fact that it was dark outside did not help.  Anyway, I got up at 6:30 this morning to study some more for my Biomaterials test WOOHOO... :/ There's so much information to know.  This test is racking my nerves fo sho.  I trust that God will get me through it though.  Tip for next time: STUDY EARLIER.

I'm sure you all are wondering how the mannequin contest went, right? RIGHT??  Well, I got 3rd haha.  Yes, yes, it's not 1st... BUT I still won $50 dollars :) got meself a new pull-over :D  Lemme tell ya, the competition was FIERCE.  I was not expecting that.  There were 5 qualifying rounds; last person standing in each round went to the finals.  I'd say there were about 30-40 total people who participated...?  Who knows, I'm kinda bad at estimating numbers ha.

Oh my, I need to get ready for class.  Later!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

When will Friday come?

Ohhhh boy, the Biomaterials test is creeping closer and I don't feel prepared at all.  There's so much material (haha, material...) to learn and so little time.  You know what's ironic?  This is a writing intensive class, but it's my favorite class (I hate writing).  Really though, I have no problem waking up before 7am to go to this class.  It's that interesting.  The upcoming test still makes me nervous, but I know God will get me through this week... and next week (Bioimaging test).

ANYWAY, guess what?!  Meeeechelle and I are starting a vlog :P haha.  I've always wanted to have one... and now, thanks to Meeeechelle, it is starting up.  Our first post is tentative for Sunday.  I KNOW YOU'RE SUPER EXCITED!

List of things I need to do tomorrow (this is more of a reminder for me)
-go to class
-submit budget request to ORG
-finish Bioimaging homework
-skip out on meetings :P... to study -_-

I think I'm forgetting something... OH YEAH.
-WIN THE MANNEQUIN CONTEST (I sure hope I do because that would be tighttttt)

Alright, off to pray and sleep.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What?! Two posts in one day??

I know, right?  It's CRAZYYYY, but I figured I should get into the habit of posting on here regularly.  I'll try to post at least every other day.

My fan is making periodic ticking noises and it scares me.

Let's see, what is on my mind...
this Biomaterials test lurking around the corner
my annoying cough
my hungry hungry hippo stomach
my meals for the upcoming week
the mannequin contest on Wednesday (for $200 dolla at the bookstore!)
this. freaking. ticking. fan.
the deeelicious apple smell coming from Meeeechelle's room
my prayers for the night
whether or not I will get into med school
wishing someone, preferably a guy, wrote a song like this about me ("Just The Way You Are" is playing)
whether or not I should eat the Wheat Thins sitting on my desk
what tomorrow will bring

Okay, now I'm tired.  Time to pray and go to bed.  Til next time!

Monday, October 11, 2010


Due to my procrastination, I have decided to start a blog... also because I've always wanted to have one (or a vlog), but have never gotten around to actually making one.  Well, come to think of it, I have had one... when I was in high school.  'Nuff said.

I really should be studying for my Biomaterials test, but I just can't focus.  So, instead, I'll tell you what this blog is about.  Basically, I'll try my best to regularly update this thing because I know how interested you are in my life.  A warning: I'm very scatter-brained when it comes to writing... I'm also not good at writing.  Hmm.. I'm already reconsidering this blog.

Oh well, here it is anyway.  Hope you enjoy reading about me :P.