Tuesday, June 28, 2011

One Month

ASJFDKSALD!!  I just finished a post and now it's gone! -_-

I'm not writing all that again.  Okay, SparkNotes version:

  • I haven't blogged in a while... Sorry.
  • One month until I move to Cali!  I will miss everyone in Missouri... a lot
  • My cousin from Taiwan is currently visiting me for one month.
    • I get offended when people don't finish food I provided/prepared for them
    • She eats very little = my frustration
    • My realization that she's basically a kid-sized adult and should be only eating half of what I eat *doh*

All in all, another time-wasting post, heh.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Light

I know, it's been a long time since my last post.  Luckily, I don't think many people read this so it's not a big deal :P.  So, update time!

As you know, my last post was pretty... um, dark?  The past months from December til mid-April have been very, VERY rough for me.  I can safely say I was at the lowest point I've ever been at.  It was hard.  There were times when I just wanted to give up on everything.  And I mean everything, including my faith.  I stopped praying... for a while.  I'm sure some of my friends noticed a change in me.  I wasn't really cheerful, or sociable for that matter.  It's what I do though;  I keep to myself so I don't burden others with my problems.

What was the cause of all of this?  You'll probably guess that it has to do with med school, and you're right.  See, as the months passed, my chances of getting in were getting smaller and smaller.  First December.  Not too worried because I was enjoying myself in Taiwan and it was still considered early.  Then January passed.  I was getting a bit anxious.  The couple rejections didn't help either.  February came and went.  More rejections.  Then March crept up.  That was probably the hardest month.  By mid-March, I had lost almost all hope of being accepted.  Interview invites usually end by late March, and I hadn't received any since Mizzou's invite.  My only hopes were with Mizzou's decision.

Well, they made a decision alright.  I received my rejection e-mail on Friday, March 11.  Reading that e-mail was the worst feeling ever.  I was alone in the apartment.  My parents weren't even in the same country; they were in Europe.  All I wanted at that moment was to be with my parents.  I tried to hold it together, but couldn't.  I bawled my eyes out (I'm not a cryer at all) for I don't even know how long.  For a couple weeks, the only people who knew about my rejection were my parents, brother and one of my best friends.  I was too overwhelmed with shame to tell anyone else.

I was lost and confused.  Didn't know what to do.  Questioning why God said "No."  Why would He let me think that this was my calling for so long and just take it so quickly?  I felt like life had no meaning anymore.  I didn't know why I was even in school.  What am I even working toward?  I felt hopeless.

With the help of close friends, brothers and sisters in Christ, and my family, I was able to pull out of it.  My faith was slowly being restored.  It still is.  I started looking at alternatives.  Exploring my options.  I considered the Peace Corps, Americorps, research jobs, internships, technician jobs, etc.  The whole searching process made me feel... free.  I wasn't bound by a time constraint.  I didn't have to stay in Missouri.   So, I started applying for position everywhere.  California, Ohio, New Jersey, Texas, Michigan, Washington. I even tried Hawaii, but I didn't qualify (natives only).  I probably e-mailed about 30 professors at University of California-Irvine (UCI), in hopes of getting a research position there.  Usually, I research at WashU because it's close to home.  But I don't need to be close to home now!  I don't have to be back at school within 3 months of starting work!

Throughout April, I got many responses saying they don't have sufficient budgets to fund another position, blah blah.  A bit discouraging, yes, but no giving up this time.  About 2 weeks ago, I had a phone interview with a BME professor at UCI and he offered me a full-time position starting in the fall.  Yessss!  I haven't fleshed out the logistics yet, but it's a job!  Temporary, of course, but a job!  In California!  THEN, my cousins asks me if I want to go with them on a 12-day Mediterranean cruise.  I ask my parents, and they're all for it!  Best Easter weekend ever.

So, here's my plan right now (may change as God sees fit).  Get a 4.0 this semester.  Graduate.  Take dad's summer finance class.  Maybe study for the GRE (to keep my options open).  Go on cruise.  Fly directly to Cali after cruise.  LIVE IN CALI FOR AT LEAST A YEAR! :))  I'm so ready to be somewhere new for a while.  So ready to be out of Missouri.

I'm still not sure what God's plan is for me right now, but that's okay.  This whole journey has definitely rocked my faith.  I've changed a lot within the past 5-6 months, but I feel it's for the better.  We want life to be easy.  For things to work out the way we want.  But if life was like that, it would be boring and bland.  Sure, during those rejections, problems, and crises, we are miserable.  In the end, though, it'll be fine.  God has a plan, a good plan.  We need to trust Him.  He is my light and I hope I never forget that again.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Long Tunnel

Life feels like I'm traveling through a long, dark tunnel.  This application process is crippling me, mentally and emotionally.  February is coming to an end, and before I know it, March will be over too.  Typically, if an applicant doesn't hear back by late Feb/early March, then that med school is a no-go.  So far, I've had one interview, 5 rejections, and 5 pending.  Seeing as tomorrow is March 1st, my chances aren't looking good.  Not good at all.

My family and friends keep telling me to stay strong and keep my head up.  They say don't worry, but how can I not worry?  This is my life.  This is my future.  Why is God doing this?  Does He hear my prayers?  Is He listening?

I think my biggest fear is God saying "No" to med school.  What am I supposed to do then?  What is His plan for me?  I know His plan is a good one and that I shouldn't worry.  I think I'm just scared His plan isn't the one I have in mind.  I don't know what to do.

My parents have been so supportive of me throughout this whole journey.  I had dinner with them last night and was overwhelmed with how much compassion and love they have for me.  I don't deserve any of it.  They were discussing alternatives such as getting a technician job at WashU for a year, going into pharmacy, going to grad school, and other medical related jobs that would require more schooling.  Normally, all this 'alternatives' talk would discourage me, but not this time.  No, this time all I heard was, "We will support and love you no matter what you decide to do."  Wherever I go, whatever I do, my parents will stand behind me through it all.  Nothing can describe how grateful I am for them.  They are truly my greatest blessing.  I hope to grow up to be just as amazing as them.

Thank you, God.  Thank you for showing me what I've been missing for the past couple months; thank you for making me realize that my parents haven't been telling me I'm not good enough, rather that they've been telling me I AM good enough.  No matter how hard this journey is, I will keep my head up and continue to seek what You are trying to show me.  There is always light at the end of the tunnel.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


It's like an unofficial New Year's Resolution.  I've been trying to see the positive side of things and steering away from complaining.  My reasoning?  Well, let me ask you this:  Would you rather hang around someone who has good things to say or someone who is always complaining?  I think most would go with the second person.  Also, complaining never gets anyone anywhere.  Yeah, it is a way to release frustrations, but ultimately it doesn't do much good.  It's also a downer on yourself and people around you.  And if you know ANYTHING about me, it's that I don't like to be bothersome.

So, here's to a new outlook.  You know what?  I like it... a lot.  I find myself being more productive than I've ever been.  I'm on top of my school work, research, extra curriculars, and have free time to chill (and eat).  Now, the question is, can I keep this up?  Haha, I guess we'll see.  I know I'll complain about something at some point it'll slip out.  But that's okay.  I will continue to minimize negativity (or maximize positivity).

Monday, February 14, 2011


Aren't Mondays bad enough?  They're the start of another school/work week.  They're the reason why most students stay in and do homework/study all day on Sunday (the real start of the week).  What makes Monday even worse this year?  It's Valentine's Day too.  DOUBLE WHAMMY!

Part of me thinks maybe there's still a small sliver of hope that I may get a surprise out of nowhere... but I know that's 9x10^(-10000000000) % possible.

On the bright side, my roommate (Michelle) gave me a jumbo bag of Reeses :)).  They're my faveeee :D.  So I will continue to eat those until none of my pants fit :P.

I also helped out a friend with his very first actual Valentine's Day.  It was so precious I almost threw up.  Aha, just kidding.  But really...

Haha, nooo I enjoyed helping him with it.  This is his first girlfriend ever.  First time telling a girl he liked her, first time holding hands, first EVERYTHING.  It's adorable.  And I really hope the couple has a great day :).

As for me, I'll be hanging with my roommies tonight.  And probably some homework.  Yup... Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 7, 2011

One week

Yes, one week.  In just one week, that day that reminds all of us, singles, that we ARE single.  One day to rub it in all of our faces that we don't have a significant other.  One day for us to sulk about our relationship status.  You know what?  It isn't even one day.  It's more like 14 days.  Because once February starts, Valentine's Day crap is EVERYWHERE.  Red hearts galore!  The only good thing about this 'holiday' is the candy that's on sale.  Too bad they all have to be in freaking hearts.

I apologize for being such a negative nancy.  It just gets old.  21 years of being alone on February 14th.  21 years of envying everyone who has a Hollywood-movie-esque date planned for February 14th.  Ugh.

The rest of the year, I'm generally okay with being single.  I enjoy not having another commitment weighing me down; it lets me spend time doing things for me.  But every year around this time, it is thrown in my face that I'm single.  Bah!  Happy early Valentine's Day.

Friday, February 4, 2011


I could get used to only going to class on Monday and Friday :P.  Besides the cold and not being able to leave the apartment, I like blizzards haha.  While classes getting cancelled 3 days in a row is all well and good, it's not what I'm blogging about today.  Is blogging the right word?  Hmm, this may be more of a rant on my soap box...

Anyway, let's talk about SELFLESSNESS.  Is it important?  Well, let's put it this way: if you didn't answer yes, I am deeply worried about you.  Of course it's important!  Self-sacrifice is one of the most effective ways to show someone you care about them.  I devoted my whole medical school personal statement to selflessness.  My parents sacrificed living in Taiwan, being close to their families, their dream jobs, and just general comfort for me and my brother.  They had to start from scratch when they came to the U.S.  Can you even imagine that?  I can't.  Our country is a free nation because of self-sacrifice.  We are free because of every soldier who risked his/her life for every family and future generations.

Now, I'm a firm believer of teaching by example.  This is also the reason selflessness is such an important value of mine.  Why?  Because Jesus taught us selflessness through example.  He healed, casted miracles, and performed the most important form of selflessness: His life.  He died on the cross for us.  All of us.  He DIED for us.  I know I don't deserve that.  Not even close.  And yet, He still did it.  See, that's an incredible thing.  We don't deserve it, but it's still provided for us.  I don't deserve half the things my parents provide for me, and yet they still do.  They pay for my schooling, living situations, food, gas, etc.  I don't deserve any of that.  I should have to work for everything like they had to.

So why provide all of this for me?  Why do my parents spoil me like this?  Why did Jesus die for me on the cross?  Why do I have such great friends who are there for me?  Because they care about me.  And they all know I would do the exact same for them.  Relationships don't work without self-sacrifice.  Yeah, it may work at first, but in the long haul it's just going to crumble.  People who take, take, and take can only keep it up for so long.  You have to give to receive.  More importantly, you have to give without the expectation of receiving.  You give because you want to.  You give and sacrifice to show you care.

I could go on about this subject for days, but I'll stop now.  Just something to reflect on, like usual.