Sunday, October 24, 2010


The Sweet:  WE WON OUR HOMECOMING GAME AGAINST OU!!  For those who don't know, we haven't beat OU since 1998... so this is a BIG DEAL.  They were... WERE ranked number one.  Looky at who changed that!  Teeheee :P.  So yeah, big win for Mizzou!!  Also, the community service Bible study that I'm co-leading went well today too :)  We had about 10 people show up today, which is the same as last time.  WOOT.

The Bitter:  You know the feeling when someone - stranger, friend, family member, professor, anyone - makes a comment or says something that just gets to you?  Yeah, that happened to me today.  I've never been fond of it when my friends say, "Don't judge me!" to me.  I don't know why... it just always affected me more than it should have even though I know they're joking.  I guess the incident today is related to judging.  I won't mention any details, but I figured this blog is for some sort of emotional release so I should write a bit about it.  It probably isn't even a big deal... but what can I say, I'm sensitive, actually, very sensitive... even if it seems like I'm not.  I just tend to keep things to myself because I don't like affecting others' moods in a negative way... and I really, really dislike whining.  I may be extra edgy because of my interview coming up, but I really can't help it.  Nerves get to me.  Guess I'll just shake it off... sleep on it... pray... do something.  Man, I have to focus on my interview.

Sorry, still trying to work on my scatter-brained-ness writing.  It really sucks to have this downer on such a great day, but everything happens for a reason.  I trust that God has some sort of lesson He's trying to teach me through this experience... I just have to figure out what that is.


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